luni, 10 octombrie 2011

Health, Safety and Environment

The MANAGEMENT of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is a priority for GASCO.

All HSE activities in GASCO are managed through a framework which includes a Vision Statement, a HSE Policy and a HSE Management System (HSE MS).

The GASCO Vision Statement, updated in 2009, identifies HSE aspects which have been translated into three Strategic Objectives
GASCO has also published a Statement of HSE Commitment and Policy which supports the Vision and is a high level document reviewed each year.

The GASCO HSE Management System (HSE MS) is based on stringent standards issued by ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company). It is a risk-based system and includes a comprehensive range of mandatory requirements to provide a framework for self-regulation and continuous improvement in performance.It is implemented systematically through an HSE Action Planning process.

All GASCO Divisions develop Annual HSE Action plans for implementing various HSE actions. These actions are translated into tasks and targets and are cascaded down the organization. Progress is regularly reviewed and monitored. An important feature of the Divisional Action Plans is that they contain action items that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound), with each action item being assigned to an individual or team. The HSE Plan also includes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), HSE Audits, and HSE Training Plans.

To assure that the HSE MS is effective and functioning, GASCO has an HSE Auditing program in place comprising of different levels of audits. The remedial actions that result from the audits are tracked to final completion through a closeout process. Through this structured approach, the efforts of individuals are directed towards realizing the GASCO Vision.

In GASCO, HSE is recognized as a line responsibility and HSE issues are implemented through the involvement of all staff - right from the Chief Executive Officer to the lowest staff. The HSE Division with the Vice President reporting directly to the CEO provides support to the Management Team for the management of HSE. Each of the Plants / Pipelines Division are supported by HSE Departments headed by a HSE Superintendent who also reports directly to the Plant / Pipelines Vice President.

All of the operational sites have completed Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment (HSEIA) Reports. 

The main objective of a HSEIA Report is to demonstrate: compliance with HSE legislation and standards that all HSE hazards, including major accident hazards and occupational health hazards, have been systematically identified
environmental impacts have been identified

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